Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cabs Are NOT For Black Men!

So have you ever wanted to feel and look like a middle age white man? Dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase? Well, I don't fit the description and never will. While trying to catch a cab on the corner of Fulton and Nostrand I faced the dilemma. No cab driver wanted to stop for me or my friends. Being that my friends had a darker complexion than I, I figured that I'd have better luck. Umm umm ummm...there wasn't a cab around that would pick us up. All though I am proud of my skin color and heritage, I figured out this was the worst time to be a young black man on a Friday night trying to catch a cab. So after waiting trying and failing for 25 minutes we finally met a good samaritan. Then, I realized he was a dick head like everyone else and asked us for the money first. SHAKE MY FUCKIN' HEAD! Are you fucking serious? I paid a thousand dollars just for my coat, you think I am going to just skip a cab fare? So, I finally endured what the entire male black race experiences at one point in their life. All these stereo types and shit sucks, definitely blowing mine. it sucks! So I will go car shopping again tomorrow so I won't be subjected to this IGNORANCE!

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